Getting StartedImporting Budget

Importing Your Budget

Already have a marketing budget spreadsheet? Navigate to Budgets Tab to import your existing data. Getting your data into Etropo is straightforward:

  1. Upload your spreadsheet
  2. Wait about 60 seconds while we process your file
  3. Your data is ready - no manual mapping needed

Importing Existing Budget

When you upload your spreadsheet, our system automatically analyzes and processes your data. Here’s what we look for:

Line Items

We extract all your line items along with their associated data:

  • Monthly values and spending plans
  • Properties like owner and status
  • Original currency for each entry

Cost Centers

Cost centers help you organize your spending by department, region, or any other structure that makes sense for your business.

  • Each cost center consists of a label and a unique key
  • Customize your cost centers at Budget Settings


Categories are crucial for analyzing and breaking down your budget effectively:

  • We automatically detect categories from your spreadsheet
  • Any items without a matching category go into an “Imported” category

Learn more on how to structure your budget in our guide

Currency Management

When signing up, you’ll select a default currency for your account. Etropo supports working with multiple currencies:

  • Add additional currencies in your Currency Settings
  • Each line item maintains its original currency
  • For total calculations, we automatically convert amounts to your default currency
  • Conversion rates are based on your settings