Budget SettingsCurrencies

Managing Currencies in Etropo

It’s usual for marketing teams to keep their expenses in different currencies. Here’s how we help you manage multiple currencies in a single marketing budget.

Managing Multipl Currencies in Etropo

Default Currency

Your default currency is set when you create your organization. This currency serves as the base for all calculations and totals in Etropo.

Adding Currencies

Whenever you have line items - marketing expenses, in a currency different than the default one it’s recommended to add it to your currencies list. Here’s how to do it:

To add a currency:

  1. Go to Settings > Currencies
  2. Click “Add Currency”
  3. Select a currency from the list
  4. Set its exchange rate relative to your default currency
  5. Save

Only the account admin can adjust currencies.

Managing Multipl Currencies in Etropo

We’ll show you current market rates as suggestions when setting exchange rates. You can use these rates or set your own. These rates can be changed any time, but they’re not updated without your action.

How Multiple Currencies Work in your Marketing Budget

  • Your Marketing Team members can add line items in any of added currencies
  • All amounts convert to your default currency for totals
  • Exchange rates remain fixed until manually updated

Changing Default Currency

To change your default currency:

  1. Go to Budget > Settings > Currencies
  2. Click “Change Default Currency”
  3. Select a new default currency
  4. Set exchange rates for other currencies relative to your new default
  5. Save changes

Note: Changing your default currency updates all conversions while preserving original amounts in their entered currencies.

Managing Currencies

Updating Exchange Rates

  1. Find the currency in your list
  2. Click the edit (pencil) icon
  3. Enter the new rate
  4. Save changes %

Removing Currencies

Click the delete (trash) icon next to a currency to remove it.


  • You cannot remove the default currency
  • You cannot remove currencies used in existing budget items
  • Update or delete affected budget items first